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Using the gifts, talents and resources G-d has given us, we will make a difference in our local, national and global communities by engaging in Tikkun Olam - repairing our world. We will connect with each other through social action in all aspects of congregational life.  We will endeavor to inspire the participation of all generations in the pursuit of social justice and social action.
Multi-generational direct services activities such as collection drives, educational programs and other opportunities for direct service in our local community are planned throughout the year.  Each activity is open to all members.  Each activity responds to the Mission Statement and is advertised through many media sources. 

“Sometimes it is easy to walk by because we know we can’t change someone’s whole life in a single afternoon. But what we fail to realize is that simple kindness can go a long way toward encouraging someone who is stuck in a desolate place.”

Areas of Tikkun Olam


Monica's Mitzvah Meals, named in memory of our beloved friend and founder of the Mitzvah Meals program, has been running for 13 years at TBS. The goal is to provide a hot meal to to those with food insecurities in our community. Currently we meet twice a month (usually the 3rd & 4th Sundays).

TBS joins over 200 synagogues around the United States and Canada to empower our community to take a productive and effective stance against antisemitism and hate. As a Community of Practice, TBS will work with other synagogues and experts at ADL to share and implement best practices to design both internal and external programs focused on addressing antisemitism.
Click on the Kulanu Logo above to learn more

As well as fighting food insecurity and antisemitism, TBS is focused on providing items of need to our community through quarterly donations and drives based on the requests of the local organizations we partner with.
Every year at Yom Kippur, we do a food drive as well as a holiday drive during the Chanukah season.

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Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785