At the TBS Early Childhood Center, we approach discovery and learning using the concepts of Reggio Emilia. Learning takes place when ideas, concepts and theories are shared with others within the context of the environment.
Exploring relationships (child to child; child to adult; child to community; child to nature; child to materials and each of these things to the other) coupled with the knowledge that the child already has, provides the foundation for understanding the world and constructing additional knowledge.
Jewish values, holidays and traditions are introduced in a natural manner based on the calendar cycle and in the context of daily life. Children are exposed to ideas of social justice and are given opportunities to view experiences though many different lenses.
Our goal is to be co-collaborators with parents in helping children develop into happy, kind and respectful leaders. We aim to develop attributes of compassion, strong self-esteem, internal motivation, independence and social adeptness. Each child will learn to be empathetic to others, understand and be sensitive to diversity, and collaborate with others.
For questions or a tour, please contact Tamara Levin, TBS Early Childhood Center Director at or call the ECC Office at (714) 628-4640.
Our Philosophy & Basic Information
All children have the right to be respected and treated with compassion.
Children are strong, competent and social human beings.
Each child is a unique individual.
Children bring to school their own experiences and perspectives.
Children actively participate in their learning.
Children are curious researchers who investigate in their own unique way.
Children express themselves through “a hundred different languages”.
Our program, inspired by the Reggio Emilia Municipal schools, views the environment as the third teacher allowing children the opportunity to explore, question and seek answers. Working together,children, teachers and parents are co-learners in the classroom and school environment. Children’s thoughts and ideas are respected and regarded with value. Through observation, documentation, and further research children’s interests are recognized and explored. Children develop confidence and independence through this process. Literacy, math, science, and communication are a natural outcome of this approach.
- Half-Day Program 9:00 – 1:00
- Extended Day 8:00 – 4:00
- Full Day Program 7:30 – 5:45
We offer childcare for children ages 3-months to TK (6 years old, prior to starting Kindergarten).
Infant Rooms: Children ages 3-months to approximately 12 months (walking)
Toddler Rooms: Children ages 12-23 months
Preschool: Children ages 2, 3, and 4 years old
TK/Pre-K: Children ages 4-6 years old preparing to enter Kindergarten the following fall.
Children are placed in the developmentally appropriate classroom in conjunction with their birth date.
Our Curriculum
Rosh Hashanah
Shmini Atzeret
Simchat Torah
Tu B'Shevat
Yom Ha'Atzmaut
Lag B'Omer