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About the Alan Shebroe Haggadah Collection

Passover is my favorite holiday, primarily because it is the only real time the whole family can get together at one table, at the same time of year, relive our heritage as Jews, and be together as family.

I am also an insane book collector, so when you marry the two, you have what follows: a collection of some of the most beautiful books in Judaica.

Add to this my love of art and you have what follows. Many of these books are themselves, works of art, like the Szyk Haggadot in their metallic casings, The Bonneh Haggadahs in their embroidered covers, The Kauffman, The Amsterdam and Copenhagen Leatherbound editions to name a few. Others, you need to open up to see the treasured artwork inside, like the magnificent Australian Haggadah by Victor Majzner, the Bezem, Kalderon, Katz and Abecassis Haggadot. There are also historical Haggadot which are a magnificent reminder of where we as Jews came from: like the Rylands Haggadah, The Ashkenazi Haggadah. The aforementioned Copenhagen & Amsterdam, The Prague and of course the Sarajevo Haggadot are also among my favorites. And the ones just for children are always a lot of fun to enjoy for a nice change of pace!

Each book can take minutes… or hours… as is the case with Escape Velocity: A Post-Apocalyptic Haggadah by Rabbi Stanley Aaron Lebovic, which is as magnificent as it is disturbing (and NOT to be missed!).

When all is said and done, the common threads are: Art and Passover.
As of 2024, there are almost 500 in the collection, and of course, I will continue to add as I find more; half the fun is in the hunt! This catalog began alphabetically within each category, but after the first printing, the numbering of each book will stick, so it will then continue as “when acquired” after the fact.

To my wife, Joy, who has the patience of an angel, and has put up with my “maniacal collecting compulsion”, I can only say thanks for your love and always allowing me to be me.

This catalog is broken up into 7 categories:
*    Hardcover Editions
*    Softcover Editions
*    Children’s Editions
*    Haggadah Artwork
*    Non-Book Haggadot (Scrolls, Music etc)
*    A Timeline Of The Evolution Of The Haggadah
*    Annual Acquisitions – All Formats

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Now… Haggadah go. Have fun perusing!
To schedule a time to see the collection after 6:00pm, please call (626) 664-8384. If no one answers, please leave a message and we will call you back. 
Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785